Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Transplant - Day 8

Rob is experiencing more of the chemo effects today so I (Kim) have been assigned the blog. We are so thankful that Rob has just received the last of his chemo today because although he still has a long way to go it's just very good to have this part of the transplant behind us. As Rob might have mentioned, the first 4 days (starting last Tuesday) were pretty good but then the side effects began in earnest on Saturday. We knew in advance of these side effects but it isn't easy to watch as the drugs do their job. But while that is true, we think that we are truly blessed to be able to have this treatment and a possible cure. I can also honestly write that these times of suffering have helped both of us draw closer to God and see that submission to His great truths (Trust His sovereignty, His commands are not burdensome, His will accomplishes glory for Him and good for us) is not only possible but is God's goal for us. I certainly don't claim to understand how God accomplishes all His purposes through trials but He addresses this subject many times in His Word and Rob and I are grateful that He teaches and comforts us with His words. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your cards and prayers. The Bible does say that the "effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much," and we believe we are the recipients of God answering those prayers as He strengthens and helps us. And I also want all of you to know that your concern for us has been and continues to be a source of great encouragement to us. Tomorrow we will celebrate our 20th anniversary and although we're in the hospital I think it will be one of our most special anniversaries as we have been challenged to concentrate on what really matters in life. I'll sign off for now wishing you all a Merry Christmas. I'm also including Rob's address as some have asked for it, with much love, Kim.

Rob Ratliff
G110 Bed 5
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44195

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