Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We had an appointment with our doctor yesterday (Tues) and he released me to go home.  Yay!!!!  Things are progressing as expected and 100 percent of my blood cells are now from my donor.  The possibility of some kind of rejection is still very real and won’t subside for another 50 days or so.  Though I am home, I have to stay away from crowds and won’t be released to go back to work until mid April.  It’s a blessing to be home with Kim and to also have some time ahead where I can devote more time to my current study of the Book of James.  Pastor John even sent me a commentary on James that is a favorite of his and that I just received on our last day at Hope Lodge.  I really look forward to digging into those pages.  Please keep praying that Kim and I would continue to rejoice in our circumstances and exam our lives in the illumination of His Word.  There have been some awesome changes that God has brought to us as we’ve wrestled with the disease while being blessed with His Word.  That change has been, and continues to be, very painful at times as, of course, the amputation of sin must be.  Pray that God continue to help us and change us, as of course we know He will, and that we would seek to obey Him and to bask in His loving grace and protection at all times.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hello dear friends and family,

I spent 3 days in the hospital last week.  Woke up Sunday (1/27) with a fever and was admitted Sunday afternoon.  They found out I had pneumonia so I was bombarded with fluids and antibiotics until it cleared out.  The roughest time was Sunday night, Monday morning when I had quite a bit of chest pain and couldn't sleep.  They finally knocked me out cold with a bunch of morphine and when I woke up, I felt a lot better.  We got out on Wednesday and I was pretty weak and lethargic until Saturday/Sunday when I felt a lot better.  Monday's blood work (2/4/2013) looked real good so no hydration or transfusions were needed.  This Friday the 8th will mark the 30th day since the transfusion.  Thanks for all of your cards, e-mail and facebook notes, etc.  Thanks especially to the church for a wonderful care package they sent with food for our stomachs (my favorite Lindt chocolate troufles among the treasures!) and food for our souls in the form of Spurgeon's day and night devotions.  Kim and I both have been reading the entries as part of our study/quiet time.  We were also blessed with a visit from our dear friends Tina and Larry for the superbowl this past Sunday.  Our time with them is always joyful!

Love to all.

Rob and Kim