Monday, February 1, 2010

sheepish monthly update

I'm definitely getting worse and worse at updating this blog. My sincere apologies. I appreciate so much though that despite my failings, the incredible ministry from you to us through prayer and other means continues. We appreciate that so much.

Had our one month checkup at Cleveland Clinic last Tuesday the 26th. The bloodwork levels all look good and Dr. Smith removed the dietary/social restrictions I was on for the first month so we celebrated by going to the Beer Barrel on Friday and were blessed so much by returning to our wonderful church family for worship on Sunday. Again, Kim and I cannot begin to express our gratefulness to our church. It was wonderful seeing everyone again.

Dr. Smith "strongly" recommended I take another 4 weeks before returning to work so I'm now aiming for a March return to the classroom and will use this month of February to continue to regain strength and easing back into public/social situations. I set up 3/weekly physical therapy today so that will also be part of this month of transition.

We love you all and continue to covet your prayers for God's work in our lives.



  1. dearest rob,

    i'm always thrilled to get an update no matter how long it's been since the last one. you've got bigger fish to fry than blogging.

    also, it KILLS me that you and kim are 20 minutes from our house at least once a month and we haven't seen you yet. (there WAS that pesky lack of immune system and exhaustion to deal with, so i guess you get a pass for that.) anyway, if you have time (and don't feel like complete crud and/or need to avoid germ-y children) we'd love to see you. let us know if/when that could work and we'll leave the hamat suit out for you.


  2. Rob,

    This is fantastic news to read. And I agree with Josie, updating this blog is not a priority in your life right now. Our prayers are still with you and Kim.

    Skip and Kirsten
